Romantic Ideas

Give her/him a surprise when she least expects it

Bring her to a dark place, where u have lit candles forming the shape “I Love You”

Lay out hershey kisses in the shape “I Love You” before she comes home and only appear when she sees it with a hershey bouquet in your hands

Buy personalized jewelry for him/her

Write the words “I love you” on her hands while keeping her distracted.

Write a letter everyday telling how much she means to you for every day you’re apart.

Hold her hands and hug her, then tell her you want to grow old with her and continue to hold her and be with her when both of you are old.

Send her flowers whenever you feel like it.

Kiss him/her. Without reason of course!

Fill a whole room with helium heart shaped balloons and invite her in. pick out 1 with the words “I love you”

Paste “glow in the dark stars and letters on your ceiling” lie on the bed with her on the dark and tell her “you light up my life”

Fix a jigsaw puzzle together.

Sing a love song to her/him,

Look at her intensely and dont talk.

Soak in the jacuzzi together.

Form a scrapebook of your love story together.

Spray his/her favourite perfume all over his/her bed so it will smell like him/her!

While your love takes a shower, write the words “I love you” in the condensation of the bathroom mirror.

Leave a trail of “Hershey’s chocolate kisses” from the front door to the bedroom, right up to the bed. On the bed leave a note that reads ‘I kiss the ground you walk on.’ Make sure you’re not home when s/he gets in!

Write a love note or poem on a piece of paper and then cut it up into puzzle-like pieces. Send one a day to your special someone.

Plan a romantic getaway and onlytell him/her when its time to leave!

Look straight into the eyes of your love and PAY ATTENTION to what they tell you! Tell your mate something about you that no one else knows.

Men: Talk more. Women: Touch more.

Prepare a room filled with helium balloons with glitter inside and notes inside citing reasons why you love him/her, love coupons or little secrets between the both of you only.

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